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Slotted Cable Hangers: Adaptive Offshore Support

Slotted Cable Hangers: Adaptive Offshore Support

Optimizing the processes aboard marine structures such as oil rigs and ships can consist of making small changes to seemingly insignificant elements. Cable hangers number among those structural components that may be easily overlooked until they interfere with...

Optimizing Processes with the ARC 656 Stud Welder

Optimizing Processes with the ARC 656 Stud Welder

With a global economy that has become increasingly insecure, industry leaders are seeking means by which to optimize processes without compromising the quality of throughput. An innovative enhancement to an existing process reduces costs, maximizes productivity, and...

What to Look for When Visually Inspecting Steel Studs

What to Look for When Visually Inspecting Steel Studs

While different assemblies and structures are measured against unique standards, every weld used during fabrication should undergo at least a visual inspection to ensure its quality. Visual inspections can be completed by the welder himself or by another party to...

How to Prepare for Arc Stud Welding

How to Prepare for Arc Stud Welding

Arc stud welding allows engineers to create flawless, durable structures with relative ease. The need for drilling, riveting, and punching is eliminated, and the process is just as effective on painted surfaces as on any other. However, some preparation is still...

Reducing Maintenance-Related Expenses With T-SEP Assembly

Reducing Maintenance-Related Expenses With T-SEP Assembly

As oil prices have slumped, finding cost-effective ways to maintain offshore oil platforms has gained a sense of urgency. Part of that effort depends on making existing equipment more durable and longer-lasting without sacrificing safety. Benjamin Franklin made a case...

How ARC Stud Welding Reduces Manufacturing Costs

How ARC Stud Welding Reduces Manufacturing Costs

When it comes to industrial fabrication, the production of high quality products should never be compromised by cost concerns. That being said, the consideration of cost is a necessary evil of any endeavor. How can engineers ensure that a project is both...

How T-SEP Assembly Enhances Structural Integrity

How T-SEP Assembly Enhances Structural Integrity

Oil rig platforms like the Olympus, situated some 130 miles south of New Orleans, rise out of the swells of the surrounding ocean like mythological titans. They tower some forty stories high and weigh hundreds of thousands of tons. Aboard these colossal structures,...

What Are The Advantages Of ARC Stud Welding?

What Are The Advantages Of ARC Stud Welding?

From battleships to bridges, weld studs are the invisible forces holding together the structures that we take for granted every day. If you've crossed the Crescent City Connection over the Mississippi River, you've trusted the security of stud welds. If you've admired...

What Causes Industrial Fasteners to Corrode?

What Causes Industrial Fasteners to Corrode?

The long-term viability of any industrial fabrication job, from assembly to stud welding, depends on the robust quality of the materials used as well as the response to potential threats against the structure's strength. In harsh environments, corrosion can undermine...

PFSNO Modification: NON-Metallic T-SEP Assembly

PFSNO Modification: NON-Metallic T-SEP Assembly

Because crevice corrosion poses a formidable threat to offshore industries, pioneering innovators have begun to consider ways to mitigate this often undetected peril. Tubing installations represent a particularly vulnerable area as they are subject to so many...

Why is Crevice Corrosion a Problem in the Offshore Environment?

Why is Crevice Corrosion a Problem in the Offshore Environment?

Crevice corrosion poses a threat to offshore environments such as oil rigs and desalination plants in part because it is difficult to detect. Unlike pitting, which can often be seen with the naked eye, crevice corrosion occurs in the hidden space between metal...

How to Reduce Structural Damage Caused by Drilling Holes

How to Reduce Structural Damage Caused by Drilling Holes

Though riveting is the standard fastener for many industries, including aircraft, ship, and even spacecraft, it isn't an infallible means of fabrication and joining. In fact, the very process of riveting creates strength penalties in a structure. For each riveted nut...

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Step 1

First consultation

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Step 2

Adjusting Expectations

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Step 3

Design & Development

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Step 4

Feedback & Fine-Tuning

Make sure to show your clients how they are a part of your process. It builds trust and helps reach the finish line faster.

Step 5

Delivery & Launch

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